Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cinque Terre-last stop :(

We took a 4 and half hour train ride from Rome to Levanto, which is one town north of the popular Cinque Terre region. This region has 5 towns that all connect with a hiking trail. We forgot to validate our train ticket on the way and got off at a different stop just in time before the guy that works on the train found out. They charge you 200 Euro's if you don't validate your ticket. We just made the connection and forgot!! It was easy to buy a new ticket and get back on the right train.

It is so nice and peaceful here. It is a small town with cute shops, a beach, and lots of restaurants. Everyone is slower paced than the cities we were in. We love seeing the markets with fresh produce. There isn't such a thing as a grocery store here...you have to go to each separate shop to get what you need- a meat shop, fish shop, pasta shop, cheese shop, and produce.

We took the train to a town called Cogniglia and hiked north two towns. The trail was very challenging with lots of rock terrain and it added up to about 5 miles. Each of the two towns were just as cute with shops, restaurants, beaches, etc. We love it here!

We leave tomorrow morning on a train back to Pisa Aeroporto, which leaves at 1:00 Italy time (7:00 in Indy). We will miss it here and have loved every experience. We are excited to get back home (mostly for nice bathrooms in public places) but are so glad we took advantage of this experience. Hope you see you all soon!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Island of Capri

Today we took the train down to Napoli and met a nice couple from Australia on the train. They offered to share a cab with us to the port. We were so lucky to have met them because we had no idea where to go. We got on the hydrofoil (fast ferry) and got to the island in about 40 minutes.

As soon as you pull up the view is breathtaking! The island is very hilly with lots of rock. We ate lunch and figured out that you have to take a cable car up to the actual town of Capri. Boy was the cable car crowded! People around here do not have any organization and order....everyone just pushes their way in.

The actual town of Capri was really cute....lots of little shops and narrow streets. You could tell that the ritzy people from Italy go here on the weekends because there were tons of high end stores and hotels and villas.

We then found the walking trail to tour the island. We cannot describe the view from all aspects. After staying on the island for about 4 hours, we took the ferry back and then the train back to Rome. It was a long day, but well worth it!

The view from the top of the island
Where's Laura? Can you find her?

Our version of a sand bar

The little shops at Capri

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vatican City

We walked to Vatican City today and found a tour to take. Here are a few cool facts about the Vatican.
  • Vatican City is it's own country- it is the only country you don't need a passport for.
  • St. Peter's church is 4 football fields long
  • Michelangelo did not want to paint the Sistine Chapel. He was summoned to do it by the Pope at that time.
  • Each part of the Sistine Chapel has something to do with Christianity history before and after Christ.
Our tour was really informative and worth it.

The Pope's Apartment
The entrance to the museum (we got to cut in line and save us from the 4 hour wait by going with a tour)
The Vatican square where the Pope talks
St. Peter's Basilica

Friday, June 11, 2010

Segway Tour!

Our room has the best air conditioning and we slept great. We got up early to go on our Segway Tour. On the way, Chris stopped and had Cafe Americano and I had l'agua. (American Coffee and water). They don't have sugar free vanilla flavoring here for me :) Everything here is so fresh and nothing is processed! That is probably why everyone here is so thin!

Our tour was great. We went to things we wouldn't have even known existed. It started out with just the two of us but then the family that we found out owns the franchise name of 40,000 LA Fitness clubs around the U.S. joined us late on the tour.

After our tour, we headed to the Spanish Steps, which basically was a bunch of steps leading up to a monument.....turns out there are a lot of monuments in Rome that look the same. We were very hot and tired and didn't climb them.

For dinner tonight we plan to go to a local place that is close. We have walked miles upon miles because we don't really want to figure out the subway or bus system. (and you all know how Chirs likes to be cheap). The Subway was on strike today anyway. I guess they do that a lot here.

Tomorrow we are going to Vatican City to see a basilica that is 4 football field long and the Vatican. Hopefully Chris will let us take the bus. My feet are killing me!

On Sunday we are taking a day trip to the Island of Capri, which is south by Naples. We decided to stay in Rome two more nights instead of staying in Naples because we heard that it is not very safe and people said not to stay there that we talked to.

Here are some pictures....

First Day in Rome

We arrived in Rome by train from Florence without any problems. Once we got off the train, we found our hotel right away, which ended up being only 2 blocks away from the train station. We headed out to the city and found the Colosseum first. It was an amazing sight. We bought tickets and took the audio tour to get further in line. The history behind it is very interesting. Then we just walked around the city in 90 degree heat enjoying the hustle and bustle of the locals. We found a small place to eat for lunch with tomato and mozzarella sandwiches on fresh bread. At night we went to the Trevi fountain. If you throw a coin over your shoulder it is supposed to mean that you will some day be back in Rome. The weather is very warm and sunny, but there is a constant breeze.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunset view from the Piazza de Michaelangelo

We found out from a person on our bike tour about the piazza de michaelangelo. We climbed up the biggest hill we've ever seen but it was worth the physical work. The views overlook the whole city. There are several steps for people to sit on and a musician has always been there both nights we went. The pictures below show the view.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Hills of Tuscany

Our second day was amazing! We met at a meeting place in Florence with 20 other people- mostly all Americans and took a bus to the countryside of Florence/Tuscany. The road was really windy getting there but the views were breath taking. We arrived at a castle that makes wine and got a tour of the castle. Then we tasted Chianti and bread with Olive Oil that they also make. The oil was so much different than at home. We bought a small bottle to take back with us and a bottle of Chianti to have tonight when we watch the sunset over Florence.

After the castle we went on the bike ride. I cannot describe how pretty is was. We stopped a local family restaurant and had lunch- salad, pasta, gelato, and espresso. Of course there was wine too. After lunch we rode again on a long flat road. We came to a hill that was really big and you had a choice to ride up it or take the bus...we took the bus because my asthma was acting up. At the top of the hill we stopped at cafe for a break and water and then rode back to the castle. See the pics below. We are loving it here!

Wine Tasting at the castle
Beautiful view from our bike ride!
The rode leading into the castle
The castle we were at!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1- Florence

We started our trip out with a great flight over to Pisa, Italy. We got to sit in business class and had all of the wonderful amenities associated with that. We got a cooked dinner, seats that folded out into a bed, down blankets, noise canceling head phones, a personal TV and much more.

When we arrived in Pisa, we found customs and they stamped our passport in less than 5 minutes. Then we headed to the train ticket counter and got our tickets to Florence. We ended up getting off a stop early, but then jumped on another train in about 5 minutes to the right station.

We bought a map at the train station of Florence and found our hotel in no time. Our hotel is next to the train station and the lady that runs the place, Minola, is so nice!

We took showers and headed out to explore Florence. This city is so amazing and has gorgeous views of the Tuscany region. We had to find the place that we are taking bike tour for tomorrow and stopped at a few places on the way. We saw the famous Duomo cathedral- it is so neat! Then we found a couple markets to walk through.

We ended our day with a a couple glasses of wine at the top of a department store that overlooked the whole city.

For dinner, we got a pizza, bruschetta, and salad at a non-touristy place. The food was fresh and very tasty.

Tomorrow we have an all day bike tour through the wineries and Tuscan region! Here are a few pics from today:

Fresh Sandwiches!
Everyone rides a scooter!
The top of the Duamo Cathedral!
This is the river that runs in Florence. Look at the background of Tuscany Region!
We found a small cafe at the top of a department store that overlooked the whole city. This city is amazing!